It happened to me.

I Was a Victim of an Annoying Crime

The only thing that was hurt

Christine Schoenwald
The Haven
Published in
4 min readAug 28, 2020


There were no winds on that late summer day in Los Angeles. Only twelve hours before, the weather had been full of the dry and frenetic Santa Ana winds — the same winds which blow hot and fierce every year at this time.

But on this windless day, the air sat stagnantly, and still like the dredges of breakfast coffee continuing to stew in the pot, getting thicker and thicker.

The winds left their calling card of plant debris, and garbage as if to threaten “We’ll be back and won’t you be sorry then.”

The Devil Winds, as they are sometimes known, affects everyone differently. The Santa Anas are known to create paranoia, encourage strange behavior, or cause unexplainable events.

I had never been touched by the Santa Anas before and felt immune from their damage.

Though I didn’t know it, psychosis brewed in the wind of the day before, and I would be a victim of a random crime.

The street I lived on was charming but had no street parking. Guests or repair-persons parked on the side streets, and only residents were allowed to park in their driveways.



Christine Schoenwald
The Haven

Writer for The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Next Avenue, Business Insider, and Your Tango