I Went to Mexico City and Didn’t Get Kidnapped

But there’s always next time

Pam Gaslow
The Haven


Photo: Author

“Mexico City?” my best friend asked when I told her my weekend plans. “Why?”

I can’t count how many people have told me not to go everywhere I’ve been.

India — WHY?

Morocco — WHAT FOR?

San Jose, Johannesburg, Rio . . . What’s wrong with you?? People get killed there!

People get killed everywhere so let’s all just calm down, say a fucking prayer and live our lives. I mean I don’t travel to war zones. At least I haven’t yet.

Anyway, my part-time boyfriend looked at the itinerary I meticulously laid out for our 2.5-day trip and said, “I work and I can’t take a day off of my life to go to Doll Island.”

The nerve of him to shatter my dreams.

That was right after he found out the whole truth that I may have slightly omitted— that it was an ordeal only an obsessed lunatic would follow through with. It was a 45-minute drive from our hotel to the channels of Xochimilco, a two-hour boat ride each way, which, according to my favorite one-star review on Tripadvisor forewarned of a “view of weeds, and empty yards” and deemed the whole experience a “colossal waste of time and money.”



Pam Gaslow
The Haven

Comedian and top writer in humor. Miami based. IG: @pamgaslow, pam@pamgaslow.com. Subscribe to my mailing list: https://upscri.be/fpacdo