Ice Swimming is Fantastic!

Are you nuts?

Marta Mozolewska
The Haven
2 min readFeb 23, 2020


Photo by SawanJuggessur (via pixabay)

I work as a translator and rent an office in the city centre, where I often go on foot. I walk about 6 miles both ways to keep fit, if not for pure pleasure only. While walking I like listening to my favorite local radio station, which makes me giggle under my breath like mad. Well, the town I live in is called Green Mountain (it’s a literal translation from Polish) and is famous/ notorious for two things: wine and cabarets. Isn’t it gorgeous? A dream place to live as who doesn’t like the Gods' nectar and spasms of laughter? Anyway, one of the radio journalists that are on duty in the morning when I stroll first way to work is an ex- comedian, so as you can imagine, there is a blast indeed!

So I walk and giggle or guffaw like crazy, sometimes I laugh at jokes fully or partially arranged previously, sometimes blunders happen with no prior planning, at other times things meant to be serious turn out hilarious, totally unintentionally. The last type I’ve witnessed recently.

They broadcast an interview with an ice swimming coach. Yes, I know, I know, actually there are no proper winters in Europe any more, so how can one practice ice swimming there? Well, apparently, people in my native town can. The coach thus discussed numerous benefits of the above-mentioned activity and I simply …melted relishing his sexy hoarse voice, registering at the same time, however, that between one advantage and another the coach clearly subdued something…what the heck?

The raptures continued, I learned that winter swimming strengthened your heart, immunity system, it improved blood circulation, but at a certain point I got distracted by some cries audible a bit in the background, so feeling intrigued I focused on them, straining my ear,

“Okay, I’m in, I’m in, I’m in! Can I go out now? NOW! PLEASE!”

Another person shouts, “Alex, don’t you stop! No! Absolutely not! If you stop, you’ll never decide to walk in there again! NEVER EVER!”

Yet another one screams exasperated, ”DON’T WALK IN THERE! ARE YOU NUTS? NOOOOO!”

At the end of the enumeration the coach finally released what he’d been trying to surpress since the very beginning — a terrible cough.


Do you feel convinced and encouraged to try ice swimming?

I do, I do, I do!

Of course.

©2020 Marta Mozolewska. All rights reserved.

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Marta Mozolewska
The Haven

translator, mother of two naughty kids, and writer in the meantime,