If We Compared Male Athletes To Kangaroos In The Same Way We Compare Female Athletes To Male Athletes

Mia Lazarewicz
The Haven
Published in
4 min readJul 30, 2021


Absolute smokeshow.

Women are not small men. From their cells and chemical compositions to their ability to own more than one towel, women are physiologically distinct from men. Yet to gain respect in athletics, apparently all women need to beat every man who has ever played in the history of playing. If a woman can’t lay out the entire Steelers defensive line by herself (slut!) she shouldn’t be trying to play sports.

It might surprise you, but I support this. If women want to get credit for doing something well, then “well” isn’t good enough. They’d better be the fucking BEST that has ever BESTED. Excellence does not care if you’re objectively better than 98% of the world, or whether it makes any fucking sense to compare the athletic abilities of two different creatures. Excellence cares if you WIN against EVERYONE. That’s why subpar athletes like Ted Williams, Charles Barkley, and Barry Sanders have always been considered trash. They never won any championships against their peers, let alone against the real athletes: kangaroos.

When it comes to the world’s greatest athletes, we have to stop praising men. Because men are certainly not the fucking best. Kangaroos are the fucking best.



Mia Lazarewicz
The Haven

NSCA-CPT, CSCS, American Ninja Warrior, gymnast, author, sneakerhead. Follow me on IG @thebossiraptor.