If We Treated Banks How We Treat Rape Victims

Imagine we saw a rape victim as a bank. Weird but too real, perhaps?

Joanna Henderson
The Haven


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I read a post by someone online who was enraged about a sexual assault victim blaming. Their comment was:

“Imagine us treating a rape victim like a robbery victim. Would you ask someone if they “asked for it” while getting robbed?”

That planted an idea in my head. Lo and behold, I present you with a satirical piece on an extremely important topic. If anyone you know has experiences rape, please read A Guide for Friends and Family of Sexual Violence Survivors.

Interviewer: Oh no, I’m so sorry this happened to you! Wait, what exactly happened here?

Bank: I was robbed.

I: No! That’s awful, my condolences. Are you sure this is what happened?

B: Excuse me? Yes, robbers pulled up and stole a bunch of cash from my ATM.

I: I see. Again, I’d like to express how sorry I am. But are you sure you’re remembering this correctly?

B: Pardon me? Yes. I got robbed. What else do you need to hear?

I: Well, were there any witnesses?

B: Yes, there are security cameras you can check.



Joanna Henderson
The Haven

Canadian. Mental health activist. Banker and financier who drinks too much coffee. Pursuing happiness and sharing my thoughts with others.