Flying sombreros. National Archives UK.

If You See An Alien, Say Hola

An extraterrestrial case of mistaken identity

The Haven
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2020


On July 24th, 1991, Gerald Anderson was interviewed about a UFO incident that took place 44 years earlier, when he was only 5 years old.

In the summer of 1947, the Anderson family went hiking in the desert of New Mexico. As they came around a bend in the arroyo, they saw a large and shiny disk-shaped object embedded in the ground. It was surrounded by debris and wreckage but was itself intact.

‘‘That’s a god damn spaceship!’’

— Glenn, the older brother.

They approached the wreck on tippy-toes and felt the cool air spewing from the craft, drawing them in. That’s when they saw the four creatures. They were 4 feet tall, with slits for mouths and tiny noses. They had grey skin with matching silver suits, and had four long and slender fingers on each hand.

‘‘Those are god damn aliens!’’

— Glenn, the older brother.

The creatures clearly did not understand English, and communication was going to be an issue.

Sign language? Charades? Mathematics? Maybe.

Uncle Ted had another idea. He walked up to the aliens, cleared his throat, and began speaking to them in Spanish. (I shit you not).

The confusion was palpable, and the chirping crickets could be heard from outer space.

The silence was broken by the sound of truck engines as a convoy of military vehicles approached the scene of the crash. Dozens of soldiers descended with rifles and machine guns and surrounded the aliens and the Andersons.

A red-headed officer whose nametag read Armstrong started threatening to have everyone shot. According to Gerald, this guy was a real butt hole.

The Andersons were escorted out of the site and told to keep their mouths shut.

What do we know?

According to the Air Force’s 1995 “Roswell Report”, the creatures found by the Andersons on that hot summer morning were probably parachute test dummies like “Sierra Sam” in the picture below.

Or maybe they really were aliens from another planet. Who knows?

All we know for sure is that they were not Mexicans.

‘‘Sierra Sam’’ with his buddies Lts. Schwartz and Madson from Operation High Dive Project. Air Force.



The Haven

Exploring ideas with an open mind, a grain of salt, and a sense of humor. BSc Physics.