I’m More Altruistic Than You Are

Gail Gauthier
The Haven
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2021


It’s Not Even Close😊

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Thursday 6:15 PM “Hey, thanks for cleaning up that dog shit that’s been out in front of my house for a couple of days. I appreciate it.😊”

7:30 PM AMY P. “No. Wait. That wasn’t me.”

7:50 PM “Sure, it was. I really appreciate it.😊”

8:00 PM AMY P. “Damn it. What gave me away?”

8:03 PM “The dog shit from in front of your house is gone, too. Plus, I saw you do it.”

8:15 PM AMY P. “You weren’t supposed to know! Everything’s ruined. Thanks a lot.”

8:27 PM “That ‘thanks a lot’ doesn’t look really grateful. Whereas when I thanked you for your act of kindness, I was sincere.😊”

8:30 PM AMY P. “It wasn’t an act of kindness. It was an act of altruism.”

8:33 PM “Six and two threes, friend.😊”

8:35 PM AMY P. “No, no, no! I was going for a selfless act to benefit someone else. Because you thanked me, now I gain some profit from cleaning up that dog shit when it was only supposed to be for you. You screwed me.”

8:45 PM “If anyone was screwed, it’s me. You know how tired I am of writing ‘my husband’ and ‘my kids’ in my gratitude journal? What I was really grateful for when I saw you cleaning up that dog shit was that I had…

