Political Prompt — one of my two “serious for just a second” pieces per month
I’m Not Nostradamus, but I’ve Aced the Last 7 USA Presidential Elections.
And I feel it is time to announce my Presidential winner for 2024.
I have mentioned the US Presidential election winner for 2024 to a few mates. And I think it is time to expand that prediction to a wider group. Not because I want to be a hero or a villain, but we can think it, will it, and make it so.
I am not afraid to be wrong.
I made $2,000.00 on Trump, and $3,500.00 on Biden.
I made $2,500.00 on the Brexit decision. I am not a gambler.
I have followed US, European, and UK politics for decades. I studied political science at University in South Africa.
The US presidential elections have held me captive since before I was a teenager. It was the only time I could stay up on school nights if it was election day, and my family understood my interest.
I follow politics. I love politics. I despise politicians. I dislike the political system in almost every country of the world. Like all major institutions, we are in…