I’m The Grocery Store Self-Checkout Computer And I Also Have Complaints

These people have exceeded my patience capacity

Jennifer Haubrich
The Haven


Image of an arm scanning a carton of strawberries on a grocery store checkout scanner that has an annoying cartoon face on it.
Image made in Canva by author

Word in the aisles is that some stores are starting to get rid of self-checkouts. Ha. I double-dog dare you. Some of you people couldn’t buy a bag of apples with a $20 bill if your life depended on it! And forget about getting the correct change.

The number of complaints I hear each day is, frankly, bordering on abuse. My colleagues and I are not the ones slowing these lines down! It’s time I voiced my complaints to shoppers like these.

Joel, every week you buy organic bananas, slightly green. And every week you have to look up the code.

It’s 94011! Can you please remember that, Joel? It’s not rocket science.

This is as far from rocket science as you can get. It involves neither rockets nor science. It’s a five-digit number. If five-digit numbers were hard to remember they wouldn’t have made zip codes five digits, would they, Joel?

Learn it or switch to the non-organic 4011s.

Or stop buying bananas, Joel.

Cathy, I can’t even count how many times I’ve seen you struggle to lift that 24-pack of seltzer onto the scanner, mystified as to where the UPC could possibly be…



Jennifer Haubrich
The Haven

Finding the funny in relationships, parenting, life, and personifying inanimate objects. Contact: jenniferh@lumieremedia.com