In Gym Parking Lot, Mom’s Earlier Claims of Gym’s “Liberal Guest Policy” Unravel to “Scan Your Dad’s Card and Keep Walking Like You Know What You’re Doing”

Audrey Murray
The Haven
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2017

Susan Matthews assured her 26-year-old daughter Cara, who was home visiting her parents for the weekend, that the gym to which Susan and her husband belonged allowed members to bring guests.

“I bring Karen all the time!” Susan exclaimed, referring to her best friend and frequent tennis partner, Karen Hofstra.

Cara, who had attended summer tennis camps at the Dedham Health and Racquet Time Club, was skeptical. “Are you sure?” she asked her mother repeatedly. “Why would people buy memberships if they could just go as someone’s guest?”

“I don’t know!” her mother exclaimed as she vacuumed the kitchen with one hand while scheduling her grown children’s doctors appointments with the other. “But I’m telling you: I bring Karen all the time, and she loves it!”

Cara eventually gave in, packed a gym bag, and joined her mother on the drive over to Dedham Racquet Time.

After Susan had parked the car in the gym’s parking lot, she reached into her purse and pulled out a plastic card, which she handed to her daughter.

“This is dad’s card,” she explained. “When we get to the front desk, just scan it quickly, and keep walking like you know what you’re doing. Try not to slow down or make eye contact.”

Cara was furious. “Mom!!” she exclaimed. “If you’d told me we were doing that, I wouldn’t have come with you!”

Her mother sounded almost confused. “Whaaat!” she shot back. “Karen does it all the time!”

“Well, I don’t want to!” Cara fumed.

Susan informed Cara that she was welcome to drive home and come pick her mother up after her workout, an offer Cara rejected because, “then [she’d] be spending 45 minutes in the car to be home for half an hour!”

At press time, Cara was sulking in the locker room, while her mother explained how to get into the outdoor pool, which members aren’t supposed to use while the children’s athletic programs are in session.



Audrey Murray
The Haven

Writer, comedian, lover of all things Russian. Author of Open Mic Night in Moscow (out now!).