Internet Trolls Explained

Mr. 7
The Haven
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2021

Hi, ever wondered what an internet troll looks like? The previous statement will make no sense if you don’t know what a troll is, let alone an “internet troll”. Now that I’m thinking about it this entire article sounds ridiculous, but I’ll still go ahead with it. My name is Mr. 7, and this is not the kind of thing writers write about, allow me to explain.

Quick segue, I’m writing this article while dealing with an actual internet troll in real-time. This is whole experience is so surreal but at the same time, it might lead to me writing a good article, so join me on this journey. Let’s get back to talking about internet trolls.

So who is a troll? What is trolling?

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

A troll is an ugly creature, mostly dwarf-like, who resembles, behaves, and shows human-like characters. They are often portrayed in movies. To be more specific an internet troll isn’t any of that.

An internet troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the internet by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community to provoke readers into displaying emotional responses. Simply, an internet troll is someone who tries to make people mad by saying awful things on the internet.

Social Media
Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

The best way of dealing with internet trolls is to first relax. Take a quick moment before you respond. Now block them, it’s always an option. If that's too harsh you can reply with witty humor and sarcasm, it always works. Just as I’m doing to the internet troll in my social media comments right this very moment. Take that internet troll. Another sure way is just to ignore them, they seek a fight and it will be best for you to not give them one. After a while, they will get tired of trolling you and move to their next target.

It’s all about understanding the intentions of an internet troll. Finding out what motivates them to do as they do. After finding that out, we can dish out the best counteraction, which most of the time, is humor. Most internet trolls want to attack and humiliate their “victims” as I may call them, leaving them as hopeless internet casualties.

There is a thin line between internet trolls and people who have been angered by someone's wrongful action and feel like they should speak and call out wrongdoings. The two should not be confused. Internet trolls will basically hurl abuses and try making you angry. They often take matters personally, exaggerate, and assassinate someone's whole character. Internet trolls never look for a way to solve the issue at hand, they just want a fight. As for people who feel angered and want to call out wrongdoings, most of the time you will find them needing solutions, and that what you should address.

This article got serious really fast. I attribute that to the internet troll that I have been dealing with since the start of this article. Have a good day.



Mr. 7
The Haven

Writer | Thinker. Mr. 7 is a societal commentator who talks about pop culture. He is also funny (most of the time).