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The ultimate digital wizardry for singles

Matt Youth
The Haven
Published in
11 min readSep 6, 2022


Image by Julie Rose from Pixabay

Spoiler alert: this story is from my new book SHANDY, a twist of humour. Find the book trailer and more info at the bottom of this story. Right. Ready? Read!


Living alone, even for a short while, is a marvel (what?), a mirage (better) for people involved in a stable relationship. It means time for yourself, no arguing, no more headaches. It means that you can kick your shoes off when you get home and chuck dirty socks, pants, whatever, straight to the floor if you feel like it. Living alone is the ultimate frontier, better than going to the Moon, greater than landing on Mars. It’s complete freedom, sorry, what did I just write?, it’s FREEDOM shouted in capital letters, and if you don’t trust me just ask around, maybe to your newlywed friend, or to your parents.

On the other hand, if you’ve been single for a while you might be getting tired of inconsistent one-night stands, or even feel a bit lonely on certain nights (you, silly human who doesn’t know what real danger is ) and, for some inexplicable reason, you are dreaming of finding the girl, the man or the both of your dreams. The one who comes with a smile, always saying yes. One who listens to your childhood issues all night long caressing your once-thriving…



Matt Youth
The Haven

Writer, Rock’n’Roller, decent-human wannabe. Find my Books and other stuff on