Inviting The Guests At My Tea Party Into A Throuple

Michael Kellman
The Haven
Published in
3 min readFeb 3, 2021


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay.

Elmo, Mr. Flufferbutt, thanks for coming. Here, let me pour your tea. What we have today is a beautiful chamomile with a lemon infusion. Yes Mr. Flufferbutt I know how fond you are of lemon. No, Elmo, you can’t have Mr. Flufferbutt’s cup, use the cup in front of you.

Now, we pray.

We thank you, Dear Lord, for this bounty of tea and crackers, we thank you for the table at which we sit and the chairs in which we sit. We thank you for bringing us all together, for this wonderful snow day you have bestowed upon us, cancelling school and allowing me to miss another day of the trials and tribulations of eighth grade. Amen.

How is it? Good? Excellent. What Elmo? Nervous? Me? No. Who’s nervous? Not me. You’re crazy Elmo. You crazy guy. Anyway, let me check my manila folder to see what’s on the docket for today. Ah, yes.

First item: following today’s tea party, all tea parties will be held on the West side of the room. Yes, that’s right Mr. Flufferbutt. After this party we’ll have to move the table and chairs. There’s better light over there.

Second item: my latest attempt at a makeshift lock for the door failed. My mother continues her intrusions. This is a problem. Yes, I know my locks never…



Michael Kellman
The Haven

Writer, Filmmaker, Comedian, Improviser, Geologist. Top writer in ‘Satire’ and ‘Humor’. Substack: