It Was Not a Normal Friday Night

It’s hard to explain what normal was during the abnormality of Apartheid South Africa. You had to be there.

The Haven


Not an ideal birthing venue. Photo by Ryan Loughlin on Unsplash

I often hear people say, in tough situations, “I would have done this, or I would have done that …,” and my mind quickly says …

No. You would not have.

Most people do nothing. Unless it enters the living room. It’s who we are. It’s why people in positions of power, and Governments get away with murder.

I grew up in Apartheid South Africa. People of Colour (POC) earned the equivalent of £80.00 a month and worked 80 hours a week.

I was in the vast minority of white nothingness.

POC suffered so we could have an incredible lifestyle. Doing nothing for POC, was normal. Helping POC could land you in jail. Being friends with people of colour was very dangerous. You got onto a special Government list. Being in a relationship with a POC was a serious crime.

Fortunately, I had a grandfather, who was way ahead of his time and came from a Scandinavian heritage. He taught me to ignore the propaganda, and love all people. And I did.



The Haven

Brand Nerd. Waiting for the fat lady to sing ! Dyslexic - is it there or their. Passionate about making time to just think!! Sadly thinking hasn’t helped much.