It’s Not My Job, Man

David Volk
The Haven
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2023


Maybe Fire Fighters Don’t Have To Put Out Fires After All

Perhaps comedian Freddie Prinze was far more prescient than we realized. Who knew that a one-time former president would adopt his slogan? And, yes, this reference alone proves how old I am. Facebook.

In case you missed it, the former guy’s lawyers recently told a court that when he was (P)resident, he had no duty to support the U.S. Constitution. You know, that quaint little document that merely provides the framework for our system of government and establishes our laws and, coincidentally, requires the commander in chief to promise to “preserve, protect and defend” same when he assumes office. I could spend a lot of time slicing and dicing how you preserve, protect and defend something you don’t support, but that’s about as pointless as anything the Orange One has said at any point during his adult life.

Now that he’s changing the apparent duties of his former office, many others are taking a look at their job descriptions with fresh eyes and rethinking what their responsibilities are. Some of the fields where this is already happening may surprise you including….

Air Traffic Controllers.

Now that air traffic controllers no longer have to land planes, they don’t have to give up sniffing glue. (Thank you, Airplane. With apologies to actual air traffic controllers.) Wikipedia.

As a result of Ronald Reagan’s break up of PATCO, the air traffic controller’s union, these folks still must control traffic, but they are coming to realize they…



David Volk
The Haven

I’m a Seattle-based freelancer and humorist who loves goofy humor, politics and pot stirring, if you know what I mean.