It’s one-thirty AM

Ryan Eland
The Haven
Published in
5 min readAug 9, 2022


It’s one-thirty AM and she’s finally snoring next to me. My tummy churns over dinner’s spaghetti. It’s the chase, the pre-decision that feels so good. And I know soon I will be staring into it, gleefully running my fingers across smooth, plastic surfaces.

I shift my leg to the left making it seem like a natural nocturnal movement, not the first twitch of deception. I shudder a little on the inside as I roll over and smack my lips dramatically, maybe too dramatically. I wait. I’m on my left side now and I pull my right leg over and slip out of the bed into a kneeling position, like I’m praying. A perfect excuse should she wake.

I slink out of the room and wonder if the beating of my heart will wake her.

She sleeps.

I lose track of myself in the furies of my thoughts and the rising excitement in my throat. I turn into the hall bathroom, the one with the cabinet.

It’s a creaker, so I open it slowly, drawing the creak out accidentally. I tell myself it’s quieter this way. But is it? Should I have pulled it open like a bandaid? Just ripped it off? Or take it slow, perhaps with a little grease next time? I ponder this as I open it.

The LEDs blink on at the opening of the cabinet; a little birthday present to myself last year. I always set the mood. What shall it be tonight? Blue? Green? Red? I settle on a soft magenta that reminds me of a spaceport bar from the future.

I gaze into it, my face awash in purple. I pick out the sleeper in my eye. I grin stupidly, hungrily.

Advil? ‘Ol reliable. Always a good choice, especially with the premium candy coated ones, the slick ones, the ones that just slide down the throat with ease. I hold the bottle and eye it lovingly. Not you tonight I tell it.

What’s this? My prescription toothpaste? Saucy! I squeeze a little into the tip of my finger. I like the way the pink fluoride reflects the purple LEDs. I giggle as I run a pinch along my gums, it feels grainy and good, and smells faintly of old vomit. I don’t know why. But I love it. I carefully put it back, letting my fingers linger.

Tums. Ahh my fist love. There you are! All the colors of cotton candy trapped in one perfect, hazy see-through bottle. What a tease you are Tums. I’m tempted but not tonight. No not tonight.

Preparation H? Well well well. I see you there you minxy tube of bottom frosting. Yes, I have an itch to scratch, just not that itch. I’ll save you for another night I think.

Netty pot? What the fuck is that doing here? No. Never. I’m not in the mood for a nasal waterboarding. No way. I’ll grab you the next time I want to drip drop salty sinus juice every time I bend over. I grip it’s sturdy, long neck and peer into the tip of the hole. I shudder. What a terrible device this is. Who would ever put this inside of them? It belongs in the other bathroom, in her cabinet. I chuckle as I think of her cabinet, a cluttered rows of oils and tinctures and herbals.

Ahh. What’s next? Oh yes, the mystery bottle! Midol. How I dream of where you are from. Where did you come from? I do not know. I didn’t bring you here. But I am not complaining. Far from it! Am I feeling that wild tonight? No. But maybe I am? Maybe I do want to run wild in the streets, perhaps I do want to chase the coyotes in my alley tonight?

I’m Exhilarated. I love it when I can’t decide.

Oh oh oh! Now what is this? Now we’re getting somewhere. I stifle a childish giggle, holding my fist between my teeth. Bubble gum Tylenol, the liquid kind. I do a little dance and pump my fist in the air. Ah! Now we have a front runner. I can already taste its tangy sweetness on my tongue. The thick aftertaste in my mouth. But I know there’s more.

My heart thumps.

I close my eyes and shake my head as a knowing grin stretches my face. I know what’s next. Oh I know what’s next.

Fuck. My smile resolves into a look of pure animal hunger.

It’s the Vampire Blood. Goodnight Juice. Green Lizard. Syzzurp.


I glance side to side. And I’m not even sick! Did I whisper that out loud or just think it? I bend over at the waste in a silent, premature burst of joy. Oh and it’s a brand new one too! I pluck at the serrated strip of shrink wrap around it’s stately cap and rip it off in one deft swoop. I press down on the lid and twist. The satisfaction overwhelms me. I bury my nose into the small opening, pulling deep upon the aromas as I would a flowering Barolo opening itself to me.

I hold it up to the light. I want to see you. We’ll keep the lights on tonight I think I say. I don’t know. I’m lost at sea. I wink at it. I hold it up over my head so the light is behind it. I peer through it. I’m in a trance. The deepness of its purple. The Purple Zurple.

“What are you doing?”

I startle. My hand jumps violently and I bathe in the Nectar of the Night. It runs down my face, viscous, slowly drips over the bridge of my nose. I stick my tongue out and slurp as much as I can.

I am caught.

I turn to face her. I squint my eyes so it doesn’t blind me purple. She shakes her head, hand on her hip. But I am elated. Beyond her reproach now as I wipe my face with my fingers and suck on them. I hold her gaze while I pour the rest of the bottle over my head.

An act of defiance. She knows it. I know it.

But then she steps forward and mutters something about not being able to sleep. She licks my face, runs her tongue over my bald head.

I step back and toss her a wolfish grin.

She shakes her head and walks out of the bathroom.

I am shaking. Laughing wildly. I open the tums and pop a few. Midol. Yes. Yes. Yes. I take them all.

Tonight I chase the coyotes.



Ryan Eland
The Haven

Who looks to the night sky to see the space between the stars? Something to do with ancestors? And play? That general direction at least.