It’s Time to Disrupt the Children’s Book Industry

How to write your book as if you were running a startup

Kyrie Gray
The Haven


Image licensed from Canva

1. Come up with a sellable idea for a book. It needs to be familiar, but also new. For example, you can have your own hungry caterpillar the central character. But make him a carnivore. Or explore why George the curious wombat is so much more motivated than all of his other wombat friends.

2. Now that you’ve come up with an idea the hard work begins. Find funding for your book. Don’t be like the rest of those losers who write then try to find someone who will pay for their scribbles. You need to get that money while interest in your book is hot. No! Your book SERIES! Trust me, investors want to know you can scale your success.

3. Hire employees to produce the graphics and copy. No one gets rich doing all the work themselves. While you can’t pay them as much as they are worth, you can promise them a share of the stocks which will pay more than any salary once the book is a success.

4. The writers prove to be more expensive than you anticipated. Plus they are getting really union-happy in the break room. Let them go and outsource their jobs to China.

5. You hear an indie competitor is set to release a similar book series. Immediately ramp up production in order to…

