It’s Time You Knew the Truth About Me: My Blue Eyes Are Also Sometimes Green

I Haven’t Been Completely Honest with You

Yan Benink
The Haven
2 min readApr 18, 2024


Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

Look, this isn’t something I jump right out and reveal to anyone, I just don’t want you to get the wrong impression of me. Maybe you’ve noticed long ago and have been waiting for me to be the bigger person. Either way, it’s best you heard it from me.

Sometimes, in the right light, my eyes go from blue to green. Or green to blue — dammit I can barely keep it straight myself.

It’s haunted me for as long as I can remember, left doctors and specialists dumbfounded.

“Hey blue eyes!” the children would shout at me from across the playground. That is, until they got a closer look. I immediately got a reputation as a liar, a trickster, a fraud. The relentless gossip and name-calling forced me to change schools two, maybe one time.

I tell you this not to scare you, but to prepare you. If you expect a future with me, there will be stares. And should we ever start a family, there’s no anticipating which way that eye-color punnet square will lean.

But I need you to know that while this thing is a part of me, I refuse to let it control me. Sure, there are times I — forgive me — wish I was just another brown-eyed nobody. A face in a crowd. And not some shapeshifting freak, unable to make up my mind.

I don’t mean to sound self-pitying. I’m no victim and some days are easier than others. At times I’ll go weeks without even thinking about it, carrying on like any ordinary person with a consistent eye color. But all it takes is something as simple as getting pulled over to throw my entire day into a tailspin. I’m sorry officer. I don’t know who I am today.

In my darkest days I avoided green clothes, leafy vegetables and the lush outdoors. To this day I roll around in the grass only when I’m positively certain no one is around; my eyes gripped shut just in case.

But I can finally say I’m done hiding.

Oh, and I think I’m ready to order.



Yan Benink
The Haven

There he goes again sharing his gift