JD Vance is a DFI Hire

Ross Rosenfeld
The Haven
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2024

And yes, Trump chose him because he’s a Dumb Fucking Idiot

Don’t let the beard fool you: JD Vance is just thirty-nine years old. He has practically no political experience and is definitely NOT ready to be President of the United States. He also doesn’t do much for the Trump ticket, since he’s not popular within the party, not popular in the country as a whole, and since Trump already has won over all of the racists and bigots Vance may have attracted.

Why, then, would Donald Jackass Trump pick him as his VP candidate? We must conclude that Vance was a DFI hire. Yes, JD Vance was picked because he’s a Dumb Fucking Idiot.

Truly, there’s little doubt about this. Trump was looking for someone very much like himself, i.e. another complete fucking idiot. And, even being a dumb fucking idiot, Trump knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that JD Vance was his man.

How did he know this? Well, for starters, there are Vance’s positions, which include being against abortion even in cases of rape (“Two wrongs don’t make a right”); withdrawing support for Ukraine (“I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine”); and that the 2020 election was somehow illegitimate (“There were certainly people voting illegally on a large-scale basis”).

More important, of course, is his willingness to support pretty much any stupid idea of his boss — a typical characteristic of a DFI hire. This means that Vance has been a strong advocate of wall-building and is onboard for Muslim-banning and constant fearmongering.

In terms of just general stupidity, Vance has bona fides here as well, despite being a Yale Law graduate. For starters, he created a questionnaire while in the Senate to make sure ambassadors weren’t going to espouse LGBTQ+ support in other countries. He thinks that diversity hires are ruining this country. And he recently said that the UK, now under a Labour government, is the first “Islamist country” with a nuclear weapon, evidently not realizing that A) Pakistan has nuclear weapons (he noted that Pakistan “kind of counts”; B) that there’s no evidence of any “Islamist” infiltration of the Labour Party; and C) he’s a complete fucking moron.

Even Nigel Farage, a preeminent moron himself, felt the need to correct Vance.

So there is absolutely no doubt that Vance is a DFI hire. But, you see, that’s what Donald Trump was looking for. He originally thought he had that in Mike Pence, but when Pence refused to go along with Dirty Donald’s coup scheme, he came to see that his former vice president might just have a tiny, tiny brain and a wee bit of will power.

Vance, the DFI hire, poses no such threat and Trump knows it. That is the advantage of a DFI hire: they will not think on their own and will do whatever you tell them. It’s like having your own programmable robot who will repeat what you’ll say without question.

What’s that? You want me to claim there’s an invasion going on when there isn’t? No problem, boss. What? You need me to say you’re a god? I can do that. Wait. You like my wife? Well…

Vance won’t do anything to stop Dirty Donald because DFI hires just don’t do that. Instead, they’re obedient, because that’s all they can understand to do. It’s why we have to stop DFI hiring as it spreads around the country, allowing stupid fucking white man after stupid fucking white man to be in positions of power and authority.

As DFI star Ron DeSantis might say, DFI is the DIF — the diff. And that difference is ruining our country.

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