
Jeff Bezo’s Diary From His First Flight Into Space

The Captain says I have the upper body strength of a 12-year-old girl.

Bev Potter
The Haven
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2021


Photo by Rishabh Pammi on Unsplash

** July 20, 2021 **

[07:00 HOURS GMT] Liftoff uneventful. I went tinkle in my suit, but the astronaut diaper performed admirably. Note to self: Make Amazon warehouse workers and delivery drivers wear astronaut diapers to cut down on bathroom breaks. Deduct diaper cost from wages.

[07:02 HOURS GMT] In space, no one can hear you fart. Maybe that white truffle and gold leaf garnished lobster thermidor served on the washboard abs of a Maxim cover girl last night was a mistake. Note to self: Bring Tums the next time I go into space.

[07:07 HOURS GMT] We are weightless! Oh, the awe-inspiring vastness of the infinite void! It almost makes you believe in a God other than money!

[07:08 HOURS GMT] Bored.

[07:09 HOURS GMT] I wonder if space has that new Amazon warehouse smell? Before the workers start peeing in the corners because I only allow 30-second bathroom breaks.

[07:11 HOURS GMT] I heard the Captain mutter that I have the upper body strength of a 12-year-old girl. Alexa, set a reminder for him to “have an accident” before we land.

[07:15 HOURS GMT] I read that I might be as much as half an inch taller after the flight, but it’s only temporary. Note to self: Manipulate cultural norms to make short sexy.

[07:16 HOURS GMT] Alexa, buy a pyramid.

[07:21 HOURS GMT] *preparing to land* Okay, guys, remember to tell me if Branson and EM are in the crowd, but be cool about it.



Bev Potter
The Haven

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