Jill to Melania: “Are we good?”

dan boxer
The Haven
2 min readJan 20, 2021


New FLOTUS wonders how she offended Melania. Says she just needs closure and wants to make things right between them

Clearly things have gotten off to a rocky start between Jill Biden and Melania Trump.

Melania feels that Jill was insensitive to her feelings at how easily Joe Biden stole the election and disrupted all her major First Lady projects…the rug and knick-knack photoshoot for a coffee-table book she had expressed interest in writing, redesigning the White House bowling alley, tennis pavilion and Rose Garden, as well as her successful effort to improve the lives of illegal immigrant children detained at the boarder.

Jill knows she fell down on the protocol, didn’t do her historical research and now wants to make things right. She recognizes, a bit late, that their First Lady transition will be the first time in at least 80 years that an incoming First Lady hasn’t invited her predecessor to come in and explain how things work.

Experts have recently noted: “In modern history, there has always been an invitation, this goes back to at least Bess Truman and Mamie Eisenhower (in 1952),” says Kate Andersen Brower, author of “First Women: The Grace and Power of America’s Modern First Ladies.”

Insiders report that although Melania is “bonkers’ over how Jill has ignored her during the transition, she has been consistently clear that they could never have been friends anyway. They have nothing in common. Melania has no respect for the so-called “Dr.” Biden and views her as a gold digger who only married Joe for his money and maybe even to get a green card since there is some doubt as to whether she entered the country illegally by stealing someone else’s identity. Melania, on the other hand, proudly points to the fact that she has been a U.S. citizen for nearly 15 years.

Melania knows that her strong moral compass leaves little room to respect someone who either didn’t make it on their own or who didn’t marry out of love. She is not a fake and will not lower herself to hold hands or hug someone she considers a “phoney-baloney.” Melania says she will leave those kinds of false displays of emotion to crooked Hillary.

“I don’t have to prove how caring I am, just look at what it says about me in my official White House FLOTUS Fact Sheet:

“An unwavering characteristic of the First Lady is her aptitude for showing love and compassion in all that she does.”



dan boxer
The Haven

Retired corporate lawyer, Fortune 1000 Exec VP, law professor of business ethics, governance and social responsibility, entrepreneur, mentor and writer.