Jo Koy- Comedy Or Tragedy?

Were his jokes, really, sexist or just untasteful?

The Haven


Image from Los Angeles Times

If you belong in the majority of this world, then you have probably never heard of Jo Koy before his appearance at the Golden Globes and honestly, who would blame you?

But let me fill you in.

Apparently (I’m trusting Wikipedia for this) he is an actor and stand-up comedian. Ok cool, that means they chose someone right for that job, hence the monologue but did they?

There were a few of his jokes that… let’s say, didn’t land the way he would hope for. The media is accusing him of being sexist (or dump) but what if he is just a bad comedian?

Now the first joke that didn’t go as planned was the “Barbie” one where he just portrayed the character as a doll with big boobs, giving the idea of not it being a movie worth watching cause why would someone want to watch a movie about a doll? (I don’t know, ask the billions who broke the box office)

Now there are two scenarios (I think) of why he said it;

  1. He either never saw the movie (which he could just say it and make a joke out of it) or
  2. he saw the movie and didn’t understand a thing

the latter looks, honestly, pretty bad for him



The Haven

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