Job Hunting Made Easy

Find your new career today

David Martin
The Haven
Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2021


Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Although some economic indicators are encouraging, it’s still a tough slog out there for young graduates looking for employment. Burdened with student loans, many of these folks assume that they need even more training to get a job and are thus getting deeper and deeper into debt.

But that assumption is not necessarily true. Even though we live in a new high-tech era, from where I sit, I still see lots of high-paying jobs that need little or no training. Jobs like:

Economic forecaster

Here’s a job that requires no expertise and no results. Of the thousands of private sector economists out there, only a handful predicted the Great Recession of 2008. And as for accurately predicting future economic trends, most forecasters fail to come even remotely close. All you need to set up shop is a newsletter and a dartboard to help you decide if GNP growth will be 1, 2, 3 or 4%. It doesn’t matter what number you pick since, even if you’re wrong, no one will notice a year from now.

Political pundit

Do you have opinions? Do you like sharing them with others? If you answered “yes” to those two questions, you’re ready for a career in political punditry. Worried about a lack of political knowledge or expertise? No problem. Just pick an issue, choose a…



David Martin
The Haven

Wordsmith, humorist and author of “Dare to be Average” on Amazon. Support Dave’s writing by joining Medium: