King Charles Needs to Take a Few Selfies

Greg Schwem
The Haven
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2022
Photo courtesy of CNBC

Prior to her burial, the time spent waiting to file past Queen Elizabeth’s coffin was estimated at 24 hours, a figure made slightly higher when Piers Morgan attempted to cut in line.

Thankfully, the Queen has been officially laid to rest. Had the public viewing at Westminster Hall lasted any longer, King Charles III may have been lying alongside his mum by the time some reached the queue’s front.

As I watched new reports of the most publicized funeral since, well, since Elizabeth’s former daughter-in-law, Princess Diana, I wondered what would make anyone stand on their feet that long, simply to spend a few moments reflecting in front of a flag-draped casket? Knowing my bladder’s limitations, I would be forced to seek out a kindly looking British chap and ask that he hold my place while I ducked into a public loo. Sadly, I would have to repeat this process 24 times.

Then the answer came to me: The queen wasn’t a fan of selfies.

Did EVERYONE meet Ray Liotta?

Face it, when a famous person dies, social media immediately becomes littered with posts from users recounting the time they met the dearly departed, accompanied of course by a photo as proof. This year I often felt like I was the ONLY person who didn’t hobnob with Olivia Newton-John. Or Gilbert Gottfried. Or Vin Scully. Or Madeleine Albright. The list goes on and on.

Don’t get me wrong, I have taken my share of celebrity selfies. When Magic Johnson, Pat Riley, or, heaven forbid, Bruce Springsteen enter immortality, I will be frantically scrolling my phone, eventually finding proof of my encounter, which I will post on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook along with the obligatory affirmation that, yes, all were nice, gracious and accommodating.

Hey Internet, I’ve met some famous people too!

But, as I write this, it’s been nearly two weeks since Elizabeth’s death and I have yet to see one photo of her with a random individual who encountered her in a restaurant, aboard a flight or in a public park and summoned the nerve to hold up an iPhone and say, “Your Majesty, would you mind?”

For someone who ruled over 50 countries, public access to Elizabeth seemed remarkably limited. One never saw her riding a bike like Joe Biden or, like the guy before him, crashing a wedding at one of her properties and attempting to justify it with a goofy thumbs-up gesture. Then again, I’m not sure Windsor Castle is for rent. I hope not, as I have two unmarried daughters who may be eyeing it as the ultimate destination wedding site.

I have seen photos of the queen with non-family members, but most were as famous, if not more so, than she. When your name is Mick Jagger or Elton John, and you are summoned to Buckingham Palace to be knighted, then I guess there are multiple opportunities for selfies.

Your Holiness, Can I Get one in Vertical Mode?

It’s rare, but occasionally I will see a selfie of a non-celebrity with Pope Francis, or one of his predecessors. It’s not that difficult, considering tickets to a papal audience are free and the Pope has been known to wander into the crowds following masses. One just needs a readily available phone and a little luck.

Since Elizabeth’s death, much has been made about the sheltered life she led after her coronation in 1953. I saw more photos of her with horses and corgis than I did with people. Charles, take note, you may not be the most popular monarch — you’ve already been met with shouts of, “Not my King” — but the desire to be close to your mother, even in death, shows that people still love the Royal Family.

Maybe it’s time to reciprocate. Ditch the parades. Instead, take an unannounced stroll through Hyde Park wearing jeans, sneak up behind a canoodling couple and ask how their day is going. Visit Wimbledon next summer and sit with the fans, as opposed to in the Royal Box. Cheer the loudest when phenom Carlos Alcaraz rips a backhand winner. Hell, start the wave. And yes, pose for selfies.

You will get thousands of “likes.”

Greg Schwem is a business humorist, motivational corporate comedian, corporate emcee, nationally syndicated humor columnist for Tribune Content Agency and creator/host of the streaming TV series, “A Comedian Crashes Your Pad.



Greg Schwem
The Haven

Business humor keynote speaker and MC. TV host, “A Comedian Crashes Your Pad (I’ll sleep w anybody!) Nationally syndicated humor columnist, Tribune Co.