King George II And a Mistress or Ten.

He loved a mistress, just like his dad

Robert Bush
The Haven


Photo by Tom Podmore on Unsplash

After last week’s discussion of King George I, we now move on to his pot-bellied, pop-eyed son, George II.

George II became King of England on 11th June 1727 after the death of his pot-bellied, pop-eyed father, King George I.

In fact he became not just King George II of England, but also King of Ireland, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, and Prince-Elector of the Holy Roman Empire.

He was a total waste of space.

In an interesting aside, after 33 pointless years on the throne, George II died in 1760 while on the shitter taking a dump one morning in Kensington Palace.

In fact his heart exploded as he fought hard to squeeze a particularly difficult one out.

Bloody stodgy English food.

Not enough roughage, obviously.

To be fair it was really all over for him by this point anyway, and probably a bit of a relief. He was blind in one eye and deaf and he spent most of his time pining for his dead wife which made life a bit tragic for him.

Strangely he had spent his whole life following in his father’s footsteps and chasing after a multitude of mistresses, and it was a surprise to everyone that he took…



Robert Bush
The Haven

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