Latest News Does Not Bode Well For Trump- His Followers Find Out He Has ‘The Mark Of The Beast’ On Him

Roger Freed
The Haven
6 min readAug 9, 2024


An anonymous, blank envelope appeared in Stuart’s box while he was out at an emergency call at the Westline Hospital. There was nothing outwardly on the envelope which indicated who sent it, why or what was in it. The envelope was as much a mystery as its contents.

He opened it hesitantly, read it and immediately regretted having ever seen the thing. But he had to do something about it. He didn’t get to be the head doctor by running away from trouble. He immediately went down to the assistant’s office to talk to him.

Upon entering Henry looked at him discontentedly. The look on his face showed that he was not looking forward to this discussion.

How are you today, Doctor Kinglinger?” Henry asked amiably, but with a slight tone of dread.

“I am fine.” answered Kingslinger. He closed the door securely behind him. “What is this thing of such great importance that I need to know about?”

Henry stopped the typing he was doing and turned the screen away from himself. He did not look at all happy. “Sir, there is an aspect of the former President’s shooting that we did not tell you about.”

Kingslinger’s imagination said “Oh my God, no!” but his lips said “What could have happened that was not in the report?” He made sure that the proper tone of authority was in his voice to quash anything that was not legitimate in the modern field of medicine.

That reaction was the one Henry had hoped against, but he plodded on ahead anyway. “When we looked at his ear we realized that his hair was largely an attached wig that was cosmeticaly made to look like his real hair. In order to fully inspect the real damage done to him we had to sedate him and lift up part of the wig. It was then that we found that he had a strange tattoo above the hairline on his forehead.” Henty stopped and was having a hard time continuing.

Kinslinger was annoyed. He wanted to get this nonsense over with and get back to work.

“So what exactly was wrong that it matters to this day?” he asked pointedly.

“Well,” Henry knew this was not going to go over well, “Sir, he had the letters 666 tattooed on his skull….” He dropped his head,knowing what was coming.

“What?” asked Kinslinger in disbelief. He had to stop for a moment. “Well, that is weird, but what does it have to do with anything? It had nothing to do with the injury and therefore nothing to do with us.”

“Ah, sir.” Henry bolstered his nerves to say what was coming next. ”666 is the number of the Beast in the Revelations book of the Bible that will come to this world as the False Prophet to lead Christians away from God in the end days.”

“What?” asked the Doctor again, almost like an automaton, his eyes getting that hardened glaze that he got whenever he was totally bewildered by something.

“It is the number in the Bible of the AntiChrist who comes to bring about the end of the world.”

Kingslingers face went blank, but his eyes became more clear. “What kind of nonsense is this? This is a former President of the United States that you are talking about! We can’t be making a big issue out of this religious woo-hee that you are stating!”

“Sir, as a Christian and an avid believer I cannot overlook this matter. I was a fan of Trump before I saw this, now I feel I have to act before it is too late. If he is the AntiChrist then we are in all sorts of trouble and he has fooled a whole lot of people. He needs to be exposed.”

Kingslinger dropped his head as though in thought. “This is going to be a lot of trouble. I can’t put up with this baloney! I urge you to forget about it. It was probably something left over from some weird MAGA party!” and walked out.

As soon as Dr, Kingslinger was far enough down the hall Henry immediately got on the phone and tapped a number out. “Hello, could I speak to the Bishop? It is a very important matter!”

Two days later Mar A Lago looked like the D.C. Capitol Building on January 6th of 2021 except these were all Christains, mostly ex-Trump voters, protesting. That is- protesting AGAINST Trump.

“Down with the Antichrist!” they chanted. “The Great Deceiver betrayed us!” “Bring Satan’s Son down!”

Meanwhile Trump and his family were hunkered down in the mansion. The mansion was cordoned off from the main streets and National Guard troops had the area partitioned off. Secret Service men roamed the grounds with one staying by each Trump family member as closely as if they were Siamese twins.

Donald, of course, was in his usual belligerent mood. “This is costing me time! I could be out campaigning now instead of playing ‘Fort Apache’ with a bunch of renegades!”

“Dad”, exclaimed Eric, his son, “most of them are your old followers from the ‘Capitol Party’ on Jan. 6th.”

“Shut up Eric! Those were good loyal people who wanted to make sure I stayed the President! They are not this rabble bunch of losers!”

Donald Jr. leaned over to Eric and whispered “Better to keep out of it Eric! If he finds out these are mostly his old supporters he might bust a vein!” Then he straightened up and said “Father, Maybe it would be better if we helicoptered out to New York. What do you say to that?”

The Donald turned his great head around and gave his eldest son a sharp look. “Haven’t you been listening to the news on FOX? Protesters broke in and smashed all the windows in our place there and threw all the furniture out on the streets. They got all the classified documents that the FBI never found and turned them over to President Xi. Then they burned all my copies of Penthouse Magazine that I was going to use to jump start my Presidential Library. They smashed my gold toilet and sold the pieces to the scrap metal guys! I wish these fools would just go back to the Capitol building like they were supposed to do in the first place.”

“The big question, Dad, is how did you get that tattoo on your head in the first place?” This stopped The Don cold in his tracks. He had to stop and think a moment first. “It was back in Military School. A bunch of us recruits got in late after a late night bender. I was the most plowed of any of them so naturally I was the first out cold. Back then it was popular to get blotto drunk and so the rest got blotto drunk too and that was all any of us could remember.”

A butler breaks into his revelry. “Sir, the rabble have surmounted the south wall. I suggest it is time to evacuate!”

“Thank you Jenkins, or whatever your name is. OK kids, time to head to the sub. You know the routine!”

“Ok Sir…..I mean Dad!” stumbled Eric. Jenkins, or whatever his name was, pulled back the huge flat TV screen in front of the wall exposing the secret passage. They all clambered in, got into the elevator to the sea vault. Jenkins closed it after them.

“Father” asked Donald Jr., ”aren’t we going to wait for Melania?”

“Nah, her time is up. She’s starting to get crow’s feet around the eyes and I think she might have turned traitor on me. You never know about these Eastern Bloc women.”

“Well, I am glad we got this submarine to get us out of a jam!” said Don Jr..

“‘Yup, said Trump quietly. “We can thank old Putin for this! He said it would get us out of trouble if we needed it and it looks like it is going to. Looks like we’ll be starting a new life in Ruskie land. Glad we have him to bail us out. Also glad we have all these secret documents to give to him when we get there.” Said Trump as he nudged one of many filing boxes lining the walls of the sub. “That will get us in good with Putie and he will take good care of us!”

Both of his boys smiled broadly at this.



Roger Freed
The Haven

I am normally a writer of humor on such websites as and (pen name is sometimes rfreed). Now I am getting serious….sort of…..