Laughing and Looking for Love

Hilarious Personal Ads from the London Review of Books

Roz Warren, Writing Coach
The Haven


Probably a Gnu (Photo by Dimitri Houtteman on Unsplash)

“Sexually, I’m More of a Switzerland” is a collection of hilarious personal ads found in the London Review of Books. They are equal parts courtship and comedy. For instance?

Man, 46. Animal in bed. Probably a gnu.


All humans are 99.9% genetically identical, so don’t even think of ending any potential relationship begun here with “I just don’t think we have enough in common.

These would-be lovers are erudite, witty and, frequently self-deprecating. Where the average personal ad is packed with lies, these folks not only refuse to hide their flaws, insecurities and eccentricities — they lead with them:

I’m not as high maintenance as my highly polished and impeccably arranged collection of porcelain cats suggests, but if you touch them, I will kill you.

Tax-evading, nervous asthmatic (M, 47) seeks woman not unused to hiding under the kitchen table when the doorbell rings.

Think of every sexual partner you’ve ever had. I’m nothing like them. Unless you’ve ever slept with a bulimic German cellist called Elsa.

There’s an impressive range of human experience here, from the “angry organic window farmer”…



Roz Warren, Writing Coach
The Haven

Writing Coach and Editor Roz Warren ( will help you improve and publish your work.