LONDON: Fomo Suffers Sharpest Fall on Record.

Aram Balakjian
The Haven


There has been an unprecedented fall in fomo across the capital as restrictions on travel and gatherings in response to the ongoing pandemic begin to bite. Experts fear the fall could trigger a protracted depression, as many are left wondering where the fun is following the cancellation of key fomo drivers such as group holidays, rainy festivals, and boozy BBQs. So dire is the situation that many have been left with no choice but to start baking.

“We are seeing a perfect storm,” said Dr. Neil Rynhard, chief analyst at Infomo, a psychological research company. “The fear of missing out requires someone, somewhere, to be having more fun than their peers. If everyone is equally miserable, there’s nothing to miss. Anyone can make banana bread at home.”

Early indicators suggest the collapse in fomo has not led to lower anxiety rates. Key markers of anxiety, like crying in bed, have seen a marked rise, with the city experiencing almost as many tears as the morning after the Brexit vote. Rynhard thinks we may be entering a period of stag-fomo, characterised by high levels of anxiety and stagnant growth in fomo.

Yet, it’s not all doom and gloom, Rynhard insists. Thanks to stories of the couples who broke up at the start of lockdown and those being forced to live with their in-laws, the UK’s Rattam (Rather Them Than Me) level is climbing quickly and could even eclipse the record high achieved in the UK when America elected Donald Trump.

Others are more bullish, suggesting the green shoots of recovery can already be seen. They point to apps like HouseParty and the rise of the Zoom quiz that have left many wondering why they didn’t get an invite. Meanwhile social isolation and increased exposure to Instagram has driven a huge rise in puppy envy, a strong precursor to fomo.

“As more fomo moves online, we will see a V-shaped recovery,” says Emma Parsons of the YOLO foundation. “We expect a bounce back over the summer, with new highs achieved as we move into the Christmas party season.”



Aram Balakjian
The Haven

Writer and photographer from London. Currently eating too many pringles.