Man Unaware Most Women Leave Him Off List of Previous Sex Partners

Mark J. Shady
The Haven
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2023

CHARLOTTE, NC — According to sources close to area man Chad Hester, it was reported Thursday that, when discussing their sexual past, most if not all of his previous sexual partners leave him off their list of former lovers.

Family and close friends of the part-time furniture salesman confirmed that the completely oblivious Hester is largely unaware that barely any women he’s ever slept with mention his name when asked about past sexual experiences. In fact, most completely forget they bedded down with the divorced father of two, and some just flat out deny it when brought up by friends in any social situation or discussing with a current partner or even select co-workers.

“Chad?” Began Tara Wilson, who slept with Hester after her best friend’s wedding reception in 2014, reportedly spending the rest of the weekend avoiding being alone with him at the outdoor chalet her friend’s parents had rented. “Oh, wait… maybe, I don’t — yeah. Wait. I don’t think so. One of Brenda’s friends said we left the outdoor bar together, but I was into this other guy that weekend who I ended up getting engaged to not long after. But a guy named Chad? Yeah, no, I don’t think so. To be honest that whole weekend was a blur.”

Closer sources revealed there were a couple women who had more than one escapade with the poor bastard, completely forgetting they had slept with him a first time and found themselves crossing paths with him again down the road through mutual friends.

“My friend Jeannine screwed him after a work party we had,” remarked Hester’s ex-coworker, Julie Bruff, “which she understandably denied the next day. And then, like, not even a year later a bunch of us were gathered over at my house and I see the two of them disappear upstairs together. The next day she’s like, ‘that was the guy from the party?’ Yeah, like you’re gonna forget a guy who loses his erection cause he drank too much, twice? Whatever. I think he may have even used the same pick up line on her too. He’s sweet but, yeah, like… “added Bruff, trailing off as she sort of rolled her eyes.

When reached for comment, Hester told our sources that, while he doesn’t discuss his sexual past in detail, he can assure us that he’s had some “pretty unforgettable experiences with a good number of women.”



Mark J. Shady
The Haven

Contributing writer for The Hard Times as well as several other online publications. Also an award-winning filmmaker & indie film producer.