Man’s Attempt to Entertain Co-Worker Goes Horribly Awry

We’ve all been experiencing listless days of late, and this goes double for our secondarily essential workers.

Justin Skiles
The Haven
2 min readFeb 24, 2021


image courtesy of Rodrigo_SalomonHC via Pixably

Healthcare professionals and teachers are commended daily on the sacrifice of their time and well being, but a group less recognized is hotel desk workers. Though still on the front line, you won’t see any TV spots celebrating the hero concierge who diligently looks after the handful of businessmen forced to stay in his hotel during the pandemic.

Perhaps these observations are what lead San Antonio, Texas Industry Inn employee Frederik “Slim” Bockner to show his fellow desk employee some amateur pornography. The picture above, captured by an unnamed guest of the establishment, depicts the aftermath of the incident. The phone call made by the victim hasn’t yet been released, though we’ve been informed it was made to human resources. Reports also share that Bockner’s smile faded moments after the photo was taken.

Industry Inn has released a public statement, saying in part, “Hotel employees make mistakes on occasion, but Bockner’s boner is by far the largest we’ve seen. Given the severity of his actions, we will be pulling him out of his role at Industry Inn effective immediately. We apologize to all affected by Bockner’s actions, and hope once he is removed, they will feel some relief.”

We’re saddened to have to report on another instance of inappropriate workplace conduct, though we did want to offer Bockner an outlet to explain his actions. He told us “I just wanted to liven the mood. Personally, I thought the video was more funny than sexual, and just wanted to give my colleague a laugh. I now see how the gesture may have been misconstrued. But I have learned my lesson, and certainly won’t bring any home movies to the office again.”

While this is an unfortunate incident, we hope it can serve as an important lesson to our readers. Though pornography may have its place, the hotel lobby certainly isn’t it.

