Mastering the Subtle Art of Not Really Apologizing

How to Make Everyone Think You’re Sorry When You’re Not

Dan Foster
The Haven
Published in
5 min readJun 17, 2024


Image by Fokusiert on iStock

So, you’ve found yourself in a bit of a pickle. Maybe you accidentally ate your roommate’s leftovers, or perhaps you inadvertently insulted your boss at the staff meeting. Let’s face it, no one has a “ctrl x” function in their lives that allows them to take back that flippant remark or miscalculated action. Once it’s out there, it’s like trying to retrieve a balloon in a hurricane — it’s gone, and everyone saw it go.

But, to be honest, you don’t really regret what you did or said, right? You only regret the consequences. Fear not! I am here to guide you through the subtle art of not really apologizing — a skill essential for those who wish to maintain an illusion of contrition without ever actually admitting fault.

With years of experience observing those in management positions, I’ve honed a robust toolkit tailor-made for deftly sidestepping responsibility. Next time you find yourself feeling “sorry but not sorry,” try some of these on for size:


The first key to a successful non-apology lies in expertly deflecting blame. Start by acknowledging the other person’s feelings, but without accepting any responsibility. “I’m sorry you feel that way” is a…



Dan Foster
The Haven

Writer, Poet, Blogger: Tackling life, faith, culture, religion, politics, and spirituality. Connect with me: