Melania shares her experiences with hurtful bullying by her vicious service staff. (White House Museum)

Melania Bullied by World

”No other woman deserves the pity I deserve.”

Phillip T Stephens
The Haven
Published in
4 min readOct 15, 2018


“I’m the most bullied person in the world,” Melania Drumpf told ABC’s Tom Llamas. When pressed, she changed her story to, “one of them anyway.” Then, like her husband, she tried to place her first bet on the table after the cards were dealt.

“I take it back. I was right the first time. I’m the most bullied. People say mean things about me behind my back. They don’t even bully me out loud. They bully me with their minds, and silence. Which is worse. No other woman deserves the pity I deserve.”

While promoting her “Be Best” anti-bullying campaign, Melania said she can speak about bullying because she’s been bullied all her life. “We’re talking bullied by someone other than your husband?” Llamas asked.

”People say mean things about me behind my back. They don’t even bully me out loud. They bully me with their minds, and silence. Which is worse.”

“See?” she said. “Just like that. Now you’re doing it. I’m not a battered wife. Donald never lays a finger on me. He’s too busy chasing other women and bullying…Well, it would be easier to list the people he doesn’t bully. Me. And Ivanka. He never bullies Ivanka. He has more pictures of her than any woman in the world. On his dresser, on his bedroom wall, his computer desktop, in his bathroom.”

Who bullies Melania? “People who think I’m dumb because I’m a model with paid for tits. People who think I’m fabulously wealthy and ride in limos, and wear designer clothes because I married a wealthy man. And they hate me for my economic freedoms.”

“Are you?” Llamas asked.

Melania’s BIQ (body intelligence) is far higher than Hillary’s.

“No. Hillary Clinton may have gone to an Ivy Vine college, but I graduated from the Sevnica School of Modeling Preparation and that’s one of the top rated modeling schools in Southeastern Slovenia. Very Exclusive. People think Hillary has a high IQ, but I have a higher BIQ. It’s off the scale, and that’s what counts when being a hostess to diplomats.”

Melania explained that BIQ stands for Body Intelligence Quotient, an index of basic body intelligence as opposed to more limited brain intelligence. “Actually, I was following up on the people think you’re wealthy statement, Llamas broke in. To which she explained “brain intelligence only allows you to solve math problems and write treaties. Body Intelligence allows you to manipulate wealthy, powerful men. That’s what politics is really about.”

“Brain intelligence only allows you to solve math problems and write treaties. Body Intelligence allows you to manipulate wealthy, powerful men. That’s what politics is really about.”

The service staff bullies her too. “Your husband doesn’t fire service staff members who bully you?” Llamas clarified.

“They no better than to say anything out loud,” Melania insisted. “But I know they bully me with their thoughts. And refusal to do their jobs. When they finish picking up my designer clothes from the floor and hanging them in my closet, I will measure the space between garments and some are much closer than a quarter inch apart. I’m very clear that clothes should be at least a quarter inch apart. They won’t clean rooms every three hours like I told them. They excuse themselves with, ‘but ma’am,’ ma’am, can you believe how they belittle me? I’m ‘madame.’ And then they whine that we’ve closed the rooms off from public use. Dust is like immigrants. Donald always says once they settle you can’t clean them out. Dust is just like that. But these women are probably immigrants too, so they bully me with their minds because of my husband’s policies.”

“This country is full of poor, ignorant little shits who don’t know their place. If we can teach them not to bully weaker children, then maybe we can make this country a kinder place for white, wealthy real American citizens.”

Melania stressed this is why her “Be Best” campaign is so important. “This country is full of poor, ignorant little shits who don’t know their place. If we can teach them not to bully weaker children, then maybe we can make this country a kinder place for white, wealthy real American citizens.”

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Wry noir author Phillip T. Stephens wrote Cigerets, Guns & Beer, Raising Hell, and the Indie Book Award winning Seeing Jesus. Follow him @stephens_pt.

