Men can Experience Pain more than that of Labor

What can be more painful than labor?

Nuva Loreni
The Haven


Photo by Kat Jayne from Pexels

As my profile shows, I am a man. I haven’t, and will never get a chance to experience labor pain. But I read, and also hear from women who have undergone labor pain that it is a high magnitude pain. I am also a medical student and I always see how women cry in agony at labor wards.

However, the male also can experience pain which is presumably more than that of labor. I am convinced that it is the most painful experience in the world.

First, let me tell you about my first encounter with this pain. I was 13, and we were playing football with my mates. That day, I was in a games kit and I had no boxer inside, such that my testes were loosely suspended between my thin thighs. I didn’t want to sweat much when playing, so I wore no boxer. In the 10th minute of play, an opponent pulled a powerful shot towards our goal, because I was a defender, I had to prevent the ball from hitting the net. The ranging ball directly hit at my loosely hanging balls. My legs immediately lost control of their function and I chopped down and wriggled in distress. The pain diffused from the testes into the whole body. There wasn’t even energy to cry. I recovered after 10 minutes, but I never forgot the experience up to date.



Nuva Loreni
The Haven

A young physician. Also a stupid guy who lives to the fullest. I Explore sex and write about erotica, sexuality and life. Read my stories and have fun!