Men of Mother’s Day

A Salute to the Men Who Make this Great Day Possible

Simon Black
The Haven


Photo by Leonardo Wong on Unsplash

Hey guys, so the plan is the mothers will go hiking while we make them dinner. Listen I bought a $100 bottle of wine especially for this event which we can drink while they are hiking.

With regard to the menu, I know steak is our favorite dudes but our wives are vegetarians so I bought some filet mignon and NY Steak to grill along with their veggie burgers.

For veggies, of course, we hate vegetables but I figure we can just get one of those crudites plastic things at the supermarket. The only problem with those things is sometimes it’s hard to get the plastic open but the wives can probably help us do that when they get back from their hike.

Then I thought we should get something extra special for dessert for our special ladies that have been such great mothers to our kids, so I asked my wife tonight to make her Tres Leche cake. She has been super busy but she squeezed in the time to make it so awesome!

For after dinner I thought Scotch and cigars, because we are going to need something to do while the ladies do the dishes.

Looking forward to a great Mothers Day that really honors these amazing ladies. See you at four! Party!



Simon Black
The Haven

This is not the Simon Black that you know. This is a different Simon Black. He does not work in your organization or live in your city.