Photo by Alex Nemo Hanse on Unsplash

Michael Obama

Joe Camerota
The Haven
2 min readSep 10, 2021


My favorite conspiracy theory in the whole world is the conspiracy theory that says Michelle Obama is a dude named Michael.

I don’t know if it’s true?

But I do think it would make the best TV show ever.

Because the show would be like an LGBTQ Wayans’ Brothers’ show.

Okay follow me, the show would start off in Chicago, a young gay lawyer named Barack Obama has a lover named Michael that he wants to be with for forever. And one night Barack tells Michael that he wants to marry him and become President of the United States of America. And Michael says, “Barack, that’s crazy talk, this is the United States of America, a gay black man could never win the election for President of the United States of America.” And that’s when Barack looks into Michael’s eyes and says, “Michael, I’ve got an idea.” And then the movie becomes Mrs. Doubtfire complete with the montage of Michael putting on drag for the first time to become Michelle. And then we do the entire Obama journey, from Barack becoming a Senator, through Barack’s presidency, and the whole time we follow the perspective of Michael Obama, a man in drag as Michelle.

I wish for Marlon Wayans to play Barack, and for Kevin Hart to play Michael.



Joe Camerota
The Haven

Joe is a comedian, a satirist, a philosopher, and a spectator of life. “Be Ye Not Lost Among Precepts of Order” - Principia Discordia :