Missed Connections — Craigslist

You, obviously publicly intoxicated and smelling of patchouli oil, eating vegetarian chili off of a dirty Frisbee while sashaying barefoot to Rage Against the Machine’s “Killing in the Name” blasting from an oversized boom box in Bellevue Square Park.

Me, just back from volunteering at a park encampment clearing initiative, a city by-law/ordinance officer wearing comfortable shoes, a department issued drab green uniform and an “Erin O’Toole, He’s No Fool!” election pin while ticketing park visitors for non-mask compliance, open container violations and a failure to socially distance.

You refused to provide me with identification or your name. Playing hard to get? We exchanged furtive glances, confirmed when I re-watched my bodycam capture of our too brief interaction for the thirty-sixth time.

Am I mistaken?

Was this a missed connection?

If you felt so too, DM me.



Andrew Scott (IG: andrewjacobscott1)
The Haven

Andrew Scott is a musician and writer who lives in Toronto in a house amongst children, antiquated technology of yesteryear and many, many instruments.