Mob Rules! (the sequel)

The Haven
Published in
5 min readApr 22, 2024
Photo of album cover for Mobb Deep’s The Infamous album
Photo: Loud Records

Picture goes wavy and we’re back in the past….

Meanwhile on the streets of central London near one of ‘those’ protests….

1st Person: You sure about this?

Me: It’ll be fine. Actually, language is important….

Meanwhile on the streets of central London near one of ‘those’ demonstrations….

Me: ….What’s going off here then?

Bystander: He wants to cross the road.

Me: Good luck with that, there’s a massive march going past.

Demonstrators: He wants to cross the road! He wants to cross the road!

Me: Mate, I were only asking. Which bloke is it? The blond one?

Bystander: No, him.

Me: The one with the turban, the Sikh?

Bystander: No, him!

Me: What, him in the kilt?

Bystander: No! Him there!

Me: Oh, the Jewish one.


Photo of a yacht on a stormy sea
Photo: Randall Reeves. Stormy seas ain’t the only things that need navigating.

Demonstrators: E rele vent! E rele vent!

Me: OK OK. So why can’t he cross the road?

Bystander: The copper said that the bloke is “openly Jewish” and that he shouldn’t cross the road.

Me [muttering]: I’m sure there’s a joke in there somewhere…. Considering the Met Police is woke, I’m surprised he used such clumsy language.

Bystander: Are you doubting my testimony?

Me: No, although if I were that bloke, I would’ve planned on filming everything in advance. Cos you never know what might happen on the way back home from Synagogue and sometime witnesses ain’t enough.

Bystander: What makes you think he was coming back from Synagogue?

Me: Well he’s Jew…. Ne’ermind. Anyway, I don’t want to defend the police, but….

Bystander: A pol lo gist! A pol lo gist!

Photo of Rapper E Chapo giving two middle fingers to the camera
Photo: Rapper E Chapo apparently likes to prod or jab. Miss poke.

Me: ….So, I don’t want to defend the police, but members of the Jewish community have said the streets of central London have become a no-go zone for Jews because of pro Palestinian marches. Is the copper not just trying to protect him?

Bystander: So Jews must stay indoors because of hate marches?

Me: I wouldn’t call them that. Now you sound like former Home Secretary Suella Braverman. I’m sure if there is an apology….

Bystander: Apologies are never ever enough.

Demonstrators: That copper should resign! That copper should resign!

Demonstrator: That copper and any coppers near him at the time should resign!

Demonstrator: That copper, any coppers near him at the time and any senior coppers should resign!

Demonstrators: We demand the head of the head of the Met! We demand the head of the head of the Met!

Me: Mmm, quite creative.

Bystander: I bet the former Home Secretary would demand he resign.

Me: She’s not gonna demand that. It’d confirm that she has a personal vendetta against Sir Mark Rowley because she never respected the operational independence of the police, and expected him to do whatever she said when she were Home Sec.

Bystander: Opera what now?!?

Me: ‘Another row involving Rowley’


Me: Tough crowd.

Photo of England football players piling on Harry Kane to celebrate him scoring a goal
Photo: Laurence Griffiths/ Getty Images Europe. Mind you don’t end up on the bottom of a pile on.

Meanwhile on the march….

Marcher: Look! The cops are arresting that geezer!

Marcher: Shame on….

Marcher [nudging fellow marcher]: Wrong chant mate.


Marchers: Good, on, you copper! Good, on, you!

Meanwhile back on the kerb….

Bystander: ….From what I can see this whole thing is an absolutely outrageous disgrace! He’s being arrested for being Jewish!

Me: Not sure….

Bystander: It wouldn’t surprise me when this all goes public that a senior Tory in government says something like, it’s hard to think of any other minority that would be treated as disrespectfully as Jews seem to be.

Me: No one’s gonna say that. It’d be totally unhelpful, plus it’s not the Oppression Olympics.

Bystander: Well, you say that….

Photo of villagers with pitchforks and torches
Photo: “I want to register a complaint.”

Me: I’m sure all this can be sorted out calmly.

Bystander: You’re not taking any of this seriously. What would you do if a copper said you were “openly Black” and said you couldn’t cross the road?

Me [muttering]: There’s def a joke in there.…. Well, to be fair, being Black I’d be inclined not to argue with a copper.


Demonstrators: You shouldn’t be Black and be inclined not to argue with a copper! You shouldn’t be Black and be inclined not to argue with a copper!

Bystander: OK, so what would you do after the event?

Me: I’m kinda busy right now, so even though I would consider it an extremely important issue I might end up waiting upto a week before bringing it to the attention of the media, rather than lodging a formal complaint with the Met.

Bystander: Seriously though, how would you react if a copper said you were “openly Black.”

Me: Well, I am ain’t I.


Demonstrators: Shame, on, you! Shame, on, you!

Photo of album cover for Altern 8’s Full On .. Mask Hysteria
Photo: Network Records


Special thanks to my girlfriend Hen.






The Haven

Culturally diverse blue collar ageing b-boy and incessant moaner. Midlander. yUK. Pronoun: Amateur hour.