Monday Motivation on a Friday

I’m so motivated even my motivation is motivated!

Jamie Lou
The Haven


Photo by Johnson Wang on Unsplash

Hello Motivators, Makers, and Shakers! I’m so fired up that I’m coming to you on a FRIDAY to give you MONDAY’S MOTIVATION. That’s RIGHT! WOOOOO! And for any of my readers who are asking where last Monday’s Motivation is, please stop asking. It’s not important. This is not a procrastination post from last Monday’s Motivation. This is an EARLY Motivation post, not late. Get your heads in the game, everybody!

Let’s get this Monday started 3 DAYS EARLY! Are you ready? Then here it is. Your FRIDAY MONDAY MOTIVATION.

When I woke up on my friend, Jason’s couch this morning, I was overwhelmed with excitement. Nothing motivates like couch surfing after your girlfriend kicks you out of your apartment for “freeloading.” As soon as my feet touched the ground I felt alive. Dare I say, electric! I’m finally going to start my business. I’m officially an entrepreneur with a bright future. I’m not sure what my business is going to be yet but I can tell you one thing. My girlfriend, Kelly’s not getting any of this action. Oh no. This ship has sailed, baby!

So after I did my usual 2-hour tear duct cleanse in the bathroom this morning, I yelled my positive affirmations at the wall. I call them my “Screamfirmations.” Trademark! If you tweet it you have to…



Jamie Lou
The Haven Book Publishing Pro | Editorial Director | Indie Publishing | Ghostwriter | Book Editor/Coach | Screenwriter