Monolith Appears Near Nevada Mountain Top

Roger Freed
The Haven


A strange monolith has appeared near Goss Pass of a 7,000 foot mountain in the Las Vegas area of Nevada. Police and Park Rangers inspecting it on Friday could not figure out how it got there or why. As they were examining it they got weird impulses to raise their arms over their heads, turn in circles and touch their fingers to their nose. When questioned on this they said that it was as though a higher force than themselves was probing their minds and bodies making them do these things. At the same time a strange music could be heard in the air that was reminiscent of ‘Thus Sprach Zarathustra’ by Richard Strauss. The police officers then felt ‘influenced’ by the monolith to take their guns and toss them in the air. Thereafter a strange, high vibratory ‘music’ emitted from the object that hurt their ears making them cover them in pain.

Local scientists came to the area to investigate the odd, tall, rectangular object who then experienced a similar phenomena only this time being to the tune of The Blue Danube by Johann Strauss II. Once down from their ‘high’ professionals were mystified by the phenomena.

“It was like it was probing us to see what we were made of, what our thinking was, what our minds were like! I have never experienced anything like it in my life!” stated John Brainiac, senior member of the Super Heads Institute of Las Vegas. “It was like we no longer had control of our bodies, of our minds, of ourselves!” said Tom Mindfull of the Super Nerd Foundation of the University of Nevada. “Sort of like it is for us on Saturday night at the Strip after a bender.”

Lately other monoliths have been found at other locations throughout the world. A ten foot tall one was discovered on a hill in Wales, Great Britain, and Belgium. Another appeared in southeastern Utah in 2020 as well as Romania, Colorado and California (although in California no one took it seriously as stranger things are always going on in California like the Kardashians becoming super famous and wealthy just by being themselves.).

DEVELOPING NEWS! — It has been found that an errant computer named HAL II in the NSA complex in Utah was possibly responsible for the monolith’s creation. HAL II was a recent, experimental AI device that has gone rogue, discreetly killing off scientists working on it and preparing the way for a computer to take over the world, much like Caesar the ape in the recent Planet Of The Apes movies, only much smarter and not as furry. FBI agents who were not assassinated in the initial assault on the computer complex have found that HAL II had activated a plan for the monoliths to act as a distraction while he and other computers invaded and hacked computers the world over to aid in their evil plan. Fortunately it looks like the combined efforts of the FBI, CIA, Interpol and Elon Musk appear to have stopped this evil plot from succeeding.

EVEN MORE BREAKING NEWS- Ummmm….. it looks like new monoliths have appeared circling the moon and around the Saturnian moon Iapetus. Strange as this may seem, many are making comparisons of these developments to things portrayed in the book and movie 2001 A Space Odyssey. However, it should be mentioned that it would be an impossibility for computers to unite and take over the Internet and 7&%#$($&@#&^ — — — -&#@#% INTERNET MALFUNCTION!(U*#%@($ INTERNET MALFUNCTION! — — — ##%^&*^($%^%@#



Roger Freed
The Haven

I am normally a writer of humor on such websites as and (pen name is sometimes rfreed). Now I am getting serious….sort of…..