Cicada Invasion

Mother Nature Working Overtime To Bug Me

No desire to be an amateur entomologist

Joel A. Johnson
The Haven
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2024


Photo by Shannon Potter on Unsplash

The advisory is all over the news! The last segment I heard was on my favorite NPR-affiliated local radio station. They interviewed an entomology professor from the nearby university about the cicada invasion this spring. Two broods of cicadas that hibernate on different cycles will simultaneously awaken in the coming months and hang out in the trees of Central Illinois. “Danger, Will Robinson!”

Six or more legs…definitely triggers an ancient aversion to aliens 👽.

Seriously, woman! Mother Nature, …I cannot! Two legs… probably reasonable. Four legs…possibly savage. Six or more legs…definitely triggers an ancient aversion to aliens 👽. “The truth is out there,” and it’s chirping loudly and incessantly.

Muva N., work with a brotha. Why not, to my joy, be fruitful & multiply beef (to the disdain of PETA), or let it literally rain cats & dogs* (to the disdain of Sarah McLachlan) every few decades? I can deal with the effects of those phenomena. My inline skating skills are adept enough to “dodge, duck, dip, dive, & dodge" around puppies and kitties while on the paved jogging trail. That’s only if Sarah hasn’t already prearranged adoptions…



Joel A. Johnson
The Haven

Family man, & creative who enjoys karaoke, poetry, & balance sports (skating & skiing). I focus on social justice. Writes for The Lark, AfroSapiophile, WEOC