Movie Pirates Explained

Mr. 7
The Haven
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2021

Ahoy, Matey! Arrr! (Read this with a one-eyed, bearded, left arm hooked and stuck at sea for weeks pirate voice).

Ever wondered why pirates say “Arrr”? What a group of pirates is called, or why they somehow always have a parrot on their shoulder? Well saying “Arrr” is just how they say yes or show affirmation to each other. A group of pirates more often than not is called “cutthroats”, I know how crazy that may sound, and they just happen to love parrots. My name is Mr. 7, and today I’ll break down movie pirates.

Photo by Sergey Semin on Unsplash

A pirate is someone who attacks and robs ships at sea. A movie pirate is a character in a movie who attacks and robs ships at sea. Pirates have been terrorizing the sea long before they ever appeared in a movie.

Pirates have troubled the seas for centuries. They would go treasure hunting in the ocean, scouting locations marked on treasure maps with an ‘X’. Hence the cultural phrase “x marks the spot”. They have been using their signature black flag with a skull for a while now. A pirate flag is known as a “Jolly Roger”. At times red flags are used in place of the black ones. In contrary to what I just said, the flags are mostly plain with little to no symbol on them. The skulls are probably just movie props.

Random fact, movie pirates drink a lot.

The life of movie pirates is quite strange. They spend time at sea for months on end. If you had to be a movie pirate, how would you spend your time?

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Movie pirate outfits comprise of faded old clothes, probably with patches. Tight leather pants inside pointy black boots add to the whole look. Loose, white “shirt-like tops” completes the look. Not forgetting the red wrap-around clothing and hats. The hats could easily be the most important piece in the outfit. The hats are three-cornered, known as tricorns. As much as I love seeing movie pirates, I expect readers to read this article and try not to dress up as one. My reason is that it will look crazy if you had the entire outfit on but no parrot on your shoulder. Have a good day.



Mr. 7
The Haven

Writer | Thinker. Mr. 7 is a societal commentator who talks about pop culture. He is also funny (most of the time).