Mrs. Bahsee’s Zoom Thanksgiving

Max K. Erkiletian
The Haven
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2020


Or, how she ditched her family for Cary Grant

Photo by Jonas Leupe on Unsplash

My third-grade teacher, Mrs. Yenta Bahsee, is too cheap to join Medium, so she muscles in on my space from time to time. What follows is her most recent intrusion recorded, transcribed, and edited by me.

Me: So Mrs. Bahsee, I understand you had a Zoom Thanksgiving. How did that go?

Mrs. Bahsee: It was wonderful! The best Thanksgiving ever!

Me: Really? How so?

Mrs. Bahsee: Well, everything went off without a hitch. I got all my food on the table and just sat right down and ate. No yelling for people to get to the table and having to wait for the stragglers while the food gets cold. No telling little Bobby to keep his hands out of the mashed potatoes.”

Me: How old is little Bobby now?

Mrs. Bahsee: 47.

Me: So, how did the Zoom part go?

Mrs. Bahsee: It was wonderful. Everyone was nice and sweet, even elegant. And they all dressed smart.

Me: Dressed smart?

Mrs. Bahsee: Yes. They used to apply that word to fashion before they started using it to describe intelligence.

Me: I see. Did everyone get on the call alright?



Max K. Erkiletian
The Haven

I write to share everything but my cat. Read about Senior issues & interests in my free newsletter The Senior Activist(