Muse Wanted, No Experience Necessary

“Please stop writing about me”

Patrick Metzger
The Haven


Hatted and museless. Pemaphoto on

Bored with your life? Ready to take on a new challenge? Consider becoming my muse!

The successful candidate:

You are profound yet whimsical, with a satirical sensibility, a keen sense of irony, and an undercurrent of joyful madness. You are idiosyncratic, open-minded, and unconcerned with the opinions of others. You may or may not be conventionally attractive, but you exude charisma. People strain neck muscles turning to watch as you walk by. You are articulate and eloquent, a master of both the spoken and written word. You disdain the use of AI for any creative endeavours. You are both practical and mystical, and sometimes wonder if you are a person, a ghost, or a concept.

As Muse, what will I be doing?

Moving me to verse or prose. The job will see you acting as literary and practical inspiration for a greying, dishevelled and anxiety-ridden writer of limited talent and less acclaim. This is a part-time contract position, entailing a significant time commitment up front, which will decrease over several months before declining to zero (exact duration of contract will be determined by circumstances, mutual tolerance, and other opportunities which may emerge.)



Patrick Metzger
The Haven

Dilettante, smartass, apocalypticist. ***See “Lists” for stories by genre.***