My Best Friend Had a Facelift and it Wasn’t Funny

She literally couldn’t laugh if she wanted to

Pam Gaslow
The Haven


Photo: Shutterstock (Lady Gaga)

My best friend recently had a facelift. There was nothing funny about it, including the cost. Even if it was funny, she literally couldn’t laugh if she wanted to.

Getting a facelift is insane. You’re turning the fate of your FACE over to ONE person who you barely know. You have no idea if they’ll be in a bad mood that day. You have no control over whether or not they drank too much the night before. You have no way of knowing if they’re on the verge of cardiac arrest.

Luckily, my friend didn’t die during the surgery, and neither did her doctor. However, once the anesthesia wore off, so did the good vibes. Straight from recovery, she was whisked via wheelchair to a nearby hotel room, placed in a bed on her back at a 45-degree angle, and had cold compresses applied to her eyes. She was instructed to keep her neck straight and not to speak. She was afraid to move. She reminded me of an ill woman from the Middle Ages, hidden away under vague circumstances.

The first few days, she was barely alive or out of bed except to eat soft foods and swallow pills. She had an elastic bandage around her head, which made it difficult to tell what she looked like besides the fact that she was swollen and had a black eye. She…



Pam Gaslow
The Haven

Comedian and top writer in humor. Miami based. IG: @pamgaslow, Subscribe to my mailing list: