My Boyfriend Hates Reality TV. Can We Survive This?

Hannah Olivia
The Haven
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2023


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

The biggest TV show in Australia right now is called Married at First Sight. How it works is 24 singles are paired up to marry each other on their first date. Amazing idea if you ask me. Dating is overrated. Marrying a stranger is where it’s at.

The show is so popular that it airs four nights a week at 7 pm, which (in theory) is when you should be spending quality time with your partner.

My boyfriend, however, HATES reality TV. He calls it “scripted garbagio”.

“IT’S ALL REAL,” I tell him. But he won’t budge. He wants to listen to podcasts about the pyramids, or watch YouTube videos of beavers building dams, or put on some doco about honey bees.


That is so boring.

The only thing we can ever agree on is serial killer documentaries, and we’ve watched ’em all. Plus, serial killer docos don’t really get you in the mood, if you know what I mean.

Seriously that Murdaugh guy is a real vibe-killer.

So here we are. In a relationship stalemate. And speaking of stalemates, my boyfriend prefers to play chess on his laptop than join me for a snuggle on the couch to watch the new season of The Kardashians. Ugh. Seriously, who doesn't like The Kardashians?

