My First Medium Submission

Its doomed

Gaurav Jain
The Haven
3 min readOct 6, 2021


Photo by Syarafina Yusof on Unsplash

I have an alter ego named Mr. O. We haven’t been on best terms recently. He is a pain in the ass. Nevertheless, as soon I got back from therapy, I noticed an email from The Haven.

Mr. O did not lose any time and butted in.

Mr. O: What does it say?

Me: Nothing! Just a confirmation from The Haven. They added me.

Mr. O: Is it from Christine?

Me: Dude, it’s an automatic email.

Mr. O: How do you know?

Me: Hello? I am a software engineer, remember! I know how this works.

Mr. O: But, what if you are wrong?

Me: So, you think that there is an actual human who sent this. Not everybody is jobless like you.

Mr. O: Don’t be an asshole. BTW, are you serious about this writing stuff?

Me: Yes, I am.

Mr. O: You already write emails all day long and, now this. Loser!

Me: Shut the fuck up. Go away. I am already confused about which one to submit. It is my first submission ever. I want it to be good.

Mr. O: Submit all of them. Who cares? She is going to reject them anyhow. You suck.

Me: I can’t, only one submission at a time.

Mr. O: Pricks. Do their pompous asses take an hour to read a 3–4 minute article? Hey, use that. It’s funny.

Me: You are hopeless. I am not the only one who is submitting. There are probably thousands.

Mr. O: “Teri jaat ka paida maroon” (loosely translated as I will vanquish your tribe). How many dumb fucks like you are there?

Me: Why can’t you leave me alone?

Mr. O: Gosh, what is your problem? I am just trying to help.

Me: Oh! are you? Really?

Mr. O: OK, OK. Peace! I think you should submit that democracy piece.

Me: No, I still have to refine that one. I want to submit something light and simple.

Mr. O: How about that flowery shit?

Me: I don’t know. Isn’t it a tad childish?

Mr. O: Ho Ho Ho! Someone doesn’t want to come as a child to Christine.

Me: Dude, grow up. Are you insane? That’s the editor.

Mr. O: What! It’s you who have been reading her shit for two nights straight. Should I tell Sonia?

Me: You disgust me! I am new at this. She is the best there is. I am trying to learn.

Mr. O: I see what you are doing.

Me: And what is it that your wise ass thinks I am doing?

Mr. O: Dude, you are sucking up to her. So, she accepts your article.

Me: Oh please, I don’t care if it gets rejected. Maybe it goes to Terry. Who knows?

Mr. O: Impressive. Reverse psychology, huh! I am rubbing off on you.

Me: Ha! It’s enough. I am just going to submit this damn thing itself.

Mr. O: Wait, man. It’s rubbish.

Me: Done. I submitted. I have to speak to the offshore team, anyhow.

Mr. O: Can we talk about today’s therapy session?

Me: Get the fuck off!

Jokes apart, don’t listen to your Mr. O. Be in charge. Best!

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