The Otamatone Should Be Used by Satan to Play the “Welcome to Hell” Theme Song

Still Penguins Seldom Waddle
The Haven
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2021


And my husband bought one


My husband saw a video of a guy on America’s Got Talent playing an Otamatone. I had never heard of this…thing and never knew that something so annoying could even exist in the world. So naturally, he ordered it and it arrived yesterday.

The idea is it is a “synthesizer” that is shaped like an eighth note, with the sounds emerging from the “mouth” on the notehead. (This did not register when I saw it, I happened to come across the description during my Google search). I learned a heck of a lot about something that I would probably use as a purse holder.

It is the adult equivalent of a kid’s kazoo. It raises your heart rate to the same level as Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber when he asks Jeff Daniel’s character if he wants to hear the most annoying sound in the world.

My husband is a musician and a very talented trumpet player. Over the years, I have agreed to and even bought several instruments that I later came to regret. He has a pocket trumpet, a…



Still Penguins Seldom Waddle
The Haven

Working mom who uses her curiosity to fuel the curiosities of others ~ Writes mostly history and true crime