My John Cleese Interview

That Hasn’t Happened — Yet

Max K. Erkiletian
The Haven


This is a photo of someone other than John Cleese
This is a picture of the ankles of someone other than John Cleese. Photo by Dimitri Houtteman on Unsplash

As a new writer on Medium and The Haven, I thought getting a famous name in the title of an article would be an easy/cheap way to draw readers, net me followers, and get me a clap.

( Crass Attempted Humor Alert: My wife was alarmed when I told her I was trying to get a clap on Medium. She said she thought I would have better luck hanging around the Army base up the road. I apologize on behalf of the staff and management of Medium and the editors of The Haven. I’m sure they have no idea how this got in here.)

We Return You To This Article

I considered several names for this article. Hitler seems to draw a crowd, but then again, I’m looking for a base beyond the Republican Party.

Hell, I live in Springfield, MO— Brad Pitt’s hometown. It’s like I almost know the man.

Unfortunately, familiarity breeds contempt, so no on Brad.

Then it dawned on me. I’m writing for a humor publication. I need a comic genius.

Just a Moment of Your Time, Mr. Cleese

I thought of John Cleese. He was a founding member of Monty Python and co-creator of Faulty Towers. He’s also done a few other things. I can’t think of what they were, but he must have done something else. The man’s 80…



Max K. Erkiletian
The Haven

I write to share everything but my cat. Read about Senior issues & interests in my free newsletter The Senior Activist(