Make It Stop

My Phone Is Like The Doll In “Chucky”

Like everyone on the planet Earth I have tried to look at my phone screen LESS.

Mike Player
The Haven


Photo created by Mike Player

Instead my phone has become like the doll in Chucky. I’ll put it in a drawer but hear it whisper my name as I walk by. When I pull it out it laughs evilly spewing end of the world headlines, videos of influencers, and posts of love and sex bots like serpents.

I walk down the hallway and the phone leaps on me from a chandelier I didn’t know I had. It beats on me with little fists made of “likes” and “hearts” and “claps.” It bites me on the shoulder with the latest stock market quotes. It ties me up in the basement with meaningless text chains. It jumps onto my dashboard with updates while I’m driving. It forces me to see what “friends” and “followers” I’ve never met or who I parted ways with years before are doing every single day. I throw the phone in the ocean but there it is again in my hand, dripping wet, laughing maniacally and playing remixed songs from my favorite band.

One day it will push me down the stairs and someone will curate a GoFundMe page in my honor and keep the money to buy themselves their own latest iteration of a phone that will haunt them even worse than my phone has haunted me.



Mike Player
The Haven

Comedian/Author/Nomad - Creator of MTV LOGOs "Outlaugh Festival on Wisecrack" Author of "Hyperloop to Hell" @authormikeplayer IG