My Top 5 Unpopular Opinions

This is going to get deeper than pineapple on pizza

Daniela Nair
The Haven
3 min readFeb 3, 2022


Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash

Now by unpopular opinions I mean the things that most people love that a handful of us don’t…and for good reason. And I’m not talking about the typical ketchup on mac & cheese debate — no no no. This goes much deeper!

Here are 5 of my unpopular opinions in no specific order:

1. Sea views

I feel like living near the sea is so overrated and that the property market is simply milking people over their sea view requirements when house hunting. I admit that the view is somewhat relaxing but c’mon, waves come and go. Literally. That’s all that happens.

2. Newborn babies

Probably going to get a lot of backlash for this one but I’m going to voice my opinion anyway — newborn babies are NOT cute. Stop lying to yourselves! They look like newborn rats. I do like babies don’t get me wrong :) I just feel like too many people are lying to themselves and others about the degree of cuteness of their newborn babies.

3. Red meat

Firstly, no I am not a vegetarian. Secondly, yes I do eat red meat. However, I do feel like it is overrated. The flavour profile of red meat can only go so far in comparison to white meat like chicken and fish. You can season, for example, your beef, lamb or whatever red meat in many ways and cook it by using different methods and it will still have that significant all too familiar red meat taste. But chicken, let’s use chicken, chicken can be transformed through being bathed in even more flavours and the way it is cooked can have a huge impact on taste. As for fish, all fish have a unique taste. Need I say more?

4. Crocs

This is just the case of people being slaves to fashion. Crocs (a hideous form of footwear) have been around for some time, yet everyone is suddenly obsessed with them. Their excuse? “Oh it’s not about how it looks, it’s about comfort.” No, it’s about what’s trending. If you really liked crocs Felicia then you would have been wearing them since you saw your grandma’s pair.

5. Fruit and chocolate

I will never understand this duo. I almost find it cringe. Chocolate on its own is such a sophisticated taste. Fruit on its on is fun. The flavours are fun. Sweet, tangy, sour, etc. It’s true. But why do you enjoy eating chocolate covered strawberries or orange peel infused chocolate? The fruit overpowers the expensive taste of chocolate. The chocolate always fails to fully come through. Be honest; can you taste the cocoa or the rich and creamy chocolate flavour through the fruit or do you just get this fruity flavour followed by the sweet aftertaste of the chocolate. Fruit and chocolate do not compliment each other at all.

Let me know in the comments if you agree with my unpopular opinions and tell me about some of yours too!

